Rushikesh Hirulkar

Curriculum Vitae

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Rushikesh Hirulkar is an architect and artist based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. He earned his Bachelor's degree from the School of Environment and Architecture (SEA) in Mumbai in 2021. Over the past three years, he has gained significant experience working with a reputable architectural firm and serving as an academic associate at the School of Environmental Design and Architecture (SEDA).

Currently, he runs his own practice, "RUSHIMANI PRAYOG SHALA," where he focuses on creating architecture using waste, low-cost materials and sustainable architecture. His innovative approach has led to collaborations with other architectural firms and the facilitation of hands-on workshops. Additionally, Rushikesh has a deep interest in understanding and representing spaces through experiential methods, translating these experiences into artistic expressions on paper. Rushikesh will be working on Inhabitations and Environmental Systems.

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