This is an initiave of the Society for Environment and Architecture. The Society is a collective of architects, artists, designers, environmentalists, urbanists, cultural theorists, and activists.
It is registered as a Society and a Trust in India. It works towards creating vibrant, equitable and multidisciplinary academic environments for spatial studies.
It is registered as a Society and a Trust in India. It works towards creating vibrant, equitable and multidisciplinary academic environments for spatial studies.
It aims at creating experimental and innovative spaces for Education, Reserach and Advocacy in the areas around architecture, urbanism, environment and culture studies with focus on emerging contexts in South Asia.
The Society strives towards creating an ecosystem for spatial culture that is rooted in relevance, equality, justice and joy.
The Society strives towards creating an ecosystem for spatial culture that is rooted in relevance, equality, justice and joy.
Towards this, the Society has established:
1. School of Environment and Architecure for undergraduate education in architecure
2. Centre for Spatial Studies for reserach & pedgagogy);
3. SEA-City, a platform to host lectures, seminars, conferences and exhibitions
4. SEA-Press for dessimination of reserach and ideas through experimetal publication.
1. School of Environment and Architecure for undergraduate education in architecure
2. Centre for Spatial Studies for reserach & pedgagogy);
3. SEA-City, a platform to host lectures, seminars, conferences and exhibitions
4. SEA-Press for dessimination of reserach and ideas through experimetal publication.
The School of Environment & Architecure is set up as an academic space that furthers the discipline of architecture, enlarges it and makes it relevant for contemporary and future times. Along with sourcing experts and specialists from across the world, the institution also strives to provide best resources for its staff and students.
Currently, the School runs an undergraduate course in architecture offering a B-Arch. degree, affiliated to the University of Mumbai and approved by the Council of Architecture...
The Centre for Spatial Studies (CSS) is imagined as a node for intersections of spatial practices. It aims at developing an ecosystem for experimental research, open pedagogy and collaborative production of knowledge. The Centre intends to intervene in the cultural landscapes and respond to the context of rising auto-diadacts, emerging digital ecosystems; limited research in spatial studies; capture of academia by institutional structures; and the absence of an academic space with a cultural ambition...
SEA-City is conceived as a platform for cultural discourse. It is aimed to facilitate experience and knowledge sharing between cultural practitioners across different disciplines. SEA City events are completely open to all public, and are attended by a diverse group of people including students, architects, professionals, academics and locals.
SEA City organizes events, lectures, symposia and exhibitions in order to engage with the larger artistic and cultural discursive sphere within and outside the city...
SEA-Press is a space for experimental publication. It aims to be a disseminating platform for different works produced at SEA. SEA Press is concerned with giving shape and structure to not only works, but also critical reflections on them. As there are different forms of consuming and engaging with knowldge, SEA-Press indulges in exloring different dimensions of publishing - analog printing, digital media, and the production of various, esoteric corollaries to print, such as posters, brochures, etc....
The Founding Trustees of the Society for Environment & Architecture:

Late Arvind Adarkar
Architect, Urban Researcher & Educationist

Arun Kale
Architect & Chiar, Ex. Committee, School of Env. & Arch; Asso. Prof. School of Env. & Arch.

Gauri Joshi
Architect & Member, Governing Council, School of Env. & Arch; Asso. Prof. School of Env. & Arch.

Neera Adarkar
Architect & Urban Reseracher, Chair, Society for Env. & Arch & Design Chair, School of Env, & Arch,

Pankaj Joshi
Conservation Architect & Urbanist, Chair, Governing. Council, School of Env. & Arch

Prasad Shetty
Urbanist; Dean, School of Env. & Arch.

Ravindra Punde
Urban Planner & Environmentalist;
Director, School of Env. & Arch.

Rupali Gupte
Architect, Urbanist, Artist & Member, Governing Council & Professor, School of Env. & Arch

Savita Punde
Landscape Architect & Member, Governing Council, School of Env. & Arch
Over the years, several academics have joined to run the various activities of the Society and the School:

Anuj Daga
Architect, Writer & Curator; Assistant Prof. School of Env. & Arch.; Coordinator, SEA-City

Apurva Talpade
Architect, Artist & Designer;Assistant Prof. School of Env. & Arch,; Coordinator, SEA-Press

Dipti Bhaindarkar
Architect & Urban Designer; Assistant Prof. School of Env. & Arch; Head of Admin. & Chief of Staff

Dushyant Asher
Architect & Computational Artist; Assistand Prof. School of Env. & Arch.

Kausik Mukhopadhyay
Artist; Associate Prof. School of Env. & Arch.

Milind Mahale
Architect & Product Designer; Assistant Prof. School of Env. & Arch.

Rohit Mujumdar
Architect & Urbanist; Assistant Prof. School of Env. & Arch.
Coordinator, Centre for Spatial Studies

Shreyank Khemlapure
Architect & Urbanist; Assistant Prof. School of Env. & Arch.
Coordinator, School of Env. & Arch

Sabaa Giradkar
Architect & Assistant Prof. School of Env. & Arch.; Coordinator, Centre for Spatial Studies

Vastavikta Bhagat
Architect & Artist; Assistant Prof. School of Env. & Arch.; Coordinator, SEA-Archives

Malak Singh Gill
Architect & Environmentalist; Adjunt Faculty, School of Env. & Arch.

Abhijeet Ekbote
Architect & GIS Expert; Adjunt Faculty, School of Env. & Arch.

Tamal Mitra
Artist; Adjunt Faculty, School of Env. & Arch.
The Society and the School’s activities are adminsterated by:

Arpita Singh
Librarian & Information Officer

Kiran Saidane
Accounts Officer

Trupti Chavan
Asst. Admin Officer 1

Sandeep Menon
Asst. Admin Officer 2

Sunil Jambulkar
Workshop Supervisor

Sameer Kanade
Office Assitant

Swapnil Shinde
Office Assistant

Narayan Nimbalkar
Office Assistant
Kiran Saidane
Accounts Officer

Joel D’Souza
The Suvidya Prasarak Sangh (SPS) is the joint initiator along with the Society, for setting up the School of Environment and Architecture. The School is located in the premises provided by the SPS at Borivali in north Mumbai.
Formed in 1971 as a neighbourhood community organisation by Baburao Paranjape, a pioneer in the cooperative housing movement of Mumbai; SPS has grown into an eminent oragnisation running large educational institutions.
Formed in 1971 as a neighbourhood community organisation by Baburao Paranjape, a pioneer in the cooperative housing movement of Mumbai; SPS has grown into an eminent oragnisation running large educational institutions.
Today, SPS has more than 1200 members and 5000 students. It runs four schools in Marathi and English medium; a junior college; vocational programmes for nursing, building maintenance; medical lab technology, marketing & sales and several sports training programmes. SPS’s orientation has been non-commercial and it has strived towards providing affordable, relevant, value-based and good quality education to students from all sections of society. SPS is supported by numerous small and big donors.

Current Member of SPS in the Governing Council
Milind Joshi

Current Member of SPS in the Governing Council
Pradeep Joshi
The Society is also advised and supported by an eminent group of practitioners from various disciplines and fields. This group periodically reviews the acacdemic and other activities of the Society and advices on policy and day to day issues.
The current Advisors of the Society and the School are:

Amita Bhide
Social Scientist; Member, Advisory Board

Ajit Ranade
Economist & Political Analyst; Member, Advisory Board

Kiran Kapadia
Member, Academic Council

Uday Athvankar
Architect & Educator
Member, Academic Council

Madhushree Dutta
Cultural Theorist & Film Maker; Member, Academic Council

Neelkanth Chayya
Architect & Educator
Member, Academic Council

Mitra Parekh
Cultural Theorist
Member, Academic Council

Sameep Padora
Member, Academic Council

Deepak Kantawala
Environmental Engineer; Member, Academic Council